Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Years

Bye bye 2011 hello 2012! Hope you all had a wonderful 2011. I am so looking forward to the next 12 months!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Zumba Madness

I've been taking a weekly Zumba class and it has been awesome except for last week we had a substitute instructor and when the class was over I felt so disappointed. Why? Because I didn't walk away w/ dance moves I could use at the local club. lol I will hand it to the faux zumba instructor it was definitely an intense hour of cardio.

Yay me, gettin' my fitness on.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

HT - Lose Weight Confession

I have to confess, I've fallen off the "fit" train. I actually fell off and then helped push the train away...Then I sat on the tracks and pigged out on nutrageous candy bars, Samoa Girl Scout Cookies, Uncle Eddies Vegan Cookies, Limeades, bread and lots of it oink oink...oh and my contribution to my healthy living resolution meant watching biggest know, for the tips and stuff. Lame I know. Bad *hand slap motion*

They say confession is good for the soul. I'm hoping that by confessing I can turn from my fatty ways and return to the goodness that is healthy eating & exercising. I need it cause I feel like a major sinner.

Mon - Thurs Should be Fun Too

Two weeks ago I had an "aha moment" The sort of moment where clarity feels like it's there to stay and I wanted to shout my newfound revelation from the rooftop.

All my adult life I've had an obsession with Friday. I'd start off my work/school with Monday gloom. The fun of Saturday and Sunday seemed like ages ago. Tuesday was I'm glad I made it through Monday, but nothing special to celebrate today. I dubbed Wednesday Hump Wednesday because we climbed the monstrosity of a mountain that is the work week. We were at the peak of the work week and it was semi-smooth sailing from here. Thursday was a breeze because I was just so glad to be over that hump. Finally Friday arrived in all it's glory. I'd have those moments the cartoon characters had when waking up in the morning - bright and sunny, flowers and birds chirping. Friday was the gateway to the weekend and I loved my Fridays. I leave all the fun stuff for Friday. Going out and exploring during my lunch break, trying new foods, heck even my employer was in on it because you see, Friday is also payday :)

That was me pre "aha" moment. This is me now -

Live everyday to the fullest, because tomorrow is not guaranteed. I kept all the "fun" things for Friday no wonder all the other days were a drag for me. I had neglected to give it the type of attention I'd been given Friday. If you spend your entire life waiting for your Fridays one day you will realize that you had missed out on your 4 could-be-glorious-work-days. The tear jerker in all of this is that you will NEVER be able to get back those lost days. Did you get that? NEVER!@#$

I have on several occasions heard my pre "aha" moment thoughts being repeated by others around me. When I hear it I smile and am thankful that I am enjoying those hated days :)

Get out there and live life Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday. You'll never regret it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

HT - Getting Fit

Well we're a week into the new year and I have a progress report for my "Get Fit" goal. So far so good. Here are two "How To" tips for getting fit.

1. Music - I'm more of an awesome bass line and thumpin' bass kick type of girl. So anything upbeat that incorporates those two elements is good for me. Make a playlist for your ipod or mp3 player, crank up the music and move that booty!
If you don't have an ipod or mp3 player reallocate your morning SBUX money to "get a mp3 player fund" iPod shuffles are $75. I'm starting off my day with a run in the morning and it is brrrrrrrr freezing, but as soon as the tunes start cranking my body starts movin' and all is good...until my leg starts cramping and I swear it's going tighten to the point of falling right off. Hopefully your playlist is dripping w/ awesomeness and you sweat right through the pain and get that awesome body you hope for.
2. Distractions - if you're working out at home try and carve out a time where you can work out without distractions. Prime example - I'm trying to workout with a Pilates video from Netflix in the great room, the family is in the same area doing a variety of things. I swear there were 3 other Pilates fitness experts in the room watching my every move. At one point I got a "you're leg's not straight" and "yeah, that doesn't look like what they're doing in the video" I will be the judge of that thank you very much! I guess I can think of the comments as positive criticism, but I spent 1/2 the evening annoyed at the comments. I think I'll take my sisters advice and setup my home gym in the garage. Take that distractions! *fist pump* Likewise if you're at the gym, keep in mind you're there to workout not to hook up. Now if you went to the gym with the intent on making "land a man/woman/both" lol resolution happen then by all means go right ahead, but if that's not what you set out to do then friggin wake up and smell the sweat juices pouring off of strangers bodies! The gym is for working out, getting fit and getting that sweet @$$ body you wanted at the beginning of the year. I'm just saying...
3. McD's, Jack'n'box, Taco Bell or any other fast food temple is not conducive to getting fit and ending up w/ the rock hard abs you want. All you'll end up with is a lumpy, saggy, dimple-ridden belly of ugliness. BEWARE! These places are poison. Don't be a loser.

Alright folks. That's all for now. More to come.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to - give a man hug

a mug? a mag perhaps? lol

In the spirit of "how to" here's your very first "how to" video

Hello 2010!

Yikes I cannot believe it's 2010 - I'm all sorts of sad faces and happy faces about that one.

This year your friendly DTG is taking a journey and I'm inviting you all to travel with me (on blogspot of course). As new years would have it I'm thinking of goals - so far I have the usual - lose weight, get fit, finish school (this one has been on my list since I dropped out, I won't say how many years back! lol). We're adding a "How to" twist to the new years resolution:

How to lose weight
how to get yer/my arse back in school and finish already...
how to get a boyfriend? I have zero luck in this field, but here's to trying...
scratch "how to" for world peace because I know that's not happening - let's try how to do something nice for someone else à la random act of kindness - yes I did just go all Mother Theresa on you!

There's plenty more of "How To's" from the the Crazy Asian and the Crazy Cuban, these are mine. I will work on making this happen and lay out my easy (or not so easy) steps. Of course we'll have the "how to" posts for kicks like how to break the awkward silence in the elevator or how to get through the $hit off in the work place restroom (this one is one of my favs).

More to come. Right now I'm going to work on my how to lose weight assignement.
Step one - close all internet explorer windows
Step two - get your lazy arse off the bed
Step three - put on that Tracy Anderson work out vid

- wish me luck. I always end up talking mad trash about Tracy, but love her in the end when I'm done and I feel like 1/2 a millon bucks!

:) nofo a